International Time Capsule Society

The International Time Capsule Society (ITCS) is an organization established in 1990 to promote the careful study of time capsules. It strives to document all types of time capsules throughout the world. When founded, the group was headquartered at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Today, Oglethorpe University continues to be represented on the ITCS by Eli Arnold, Director and University Librarian at Oglethorpe.
Founding ITCS committee members have for years researched and consulted about time capsules. ITCS founders include four time capsule experts from across the United States and Europe:
Knute “Skip” Berger, a Seattle-based writer; executive director of the Washington Centennial Time Capsule project: author of “Time Capsules in America” in The People’s Almanac #2 (1978).
Dr. Brian Durrans, anthropologist and consultant, formerly senior curator in the British Museum; author of “Posterity and paradox: some uses of time capsules,” in Sandra Wallman (ed.), Contemporary futures: perspectives from Social Anthropology [ASA Monographs no. 30] (London & New York, Routledge, 1992, pp.51-67).
Dr. Paul Hudson, 1972 alumnus of Oglethorpe, author of “The Oglethorpe Atlanta Crypt of Civilization Time Capsule”, in the Georgia Historical Quarterly (1991).
William E. Jarvis, MA, MLS, is Associate Professor, Libraries, Emeritus, 2006-, Washington State University (Retired); Shelton, WA. 360.432.9614, [email protected]. He does various articles, speeches, consulting and media interviews on Time Capsule Studies. He is author of the definitive book: TIME CAPSULES: a CULTURAL HISTORY, 2003, McFarland, Jefferson, NC; London; ISBN: 978-0786412617; Jarvis, William E., 1945-.